

What's to come has already been.

Exploring architecture and media in 2020
fig b.
Atlas house.
The image on the left being the render and the right being the finished product photographed and reposed on instagram
David Leech speaks about his thoughts around image publishing online on Scaffold Podcast on May 8th 2020 @ 30:00

fig c & d.
Clancy Moore (left)
Fala (middle)
Both images have been taken from the architects instagrams.
Although when examined, ideologically and traditionally the two practices are extremely different but they both incorporate similar compositions,colours and motifs independently in their represented work.
a brief history of
viral architecture
fig a.
David Leech -
Hollybrook grove.
Image on left is completed built house.
Middle is a drawing from 10 years before completion.
Right is an internal room with familiar phone screen proportions.
Throughout the past few years, it seems architecture has found its place in the online world. The rise in popularity of image sharing websites, such as Pinterest, Instagram and others like them have had a profound influence on architecture culture.
The term “viral architecture” is used as a vague term to describe this new phenomenon and language that although it can be strongly felt, it is little acknowledged, spoken or written about in any great detail so far...
This website is looking at viral architecture every day!

Barthes - semiotics
McLuhan- Hot & Cold Media

Support the Tropes?
are you
the way in which architecture is being consumed as content is influencing the way architects think and the work they produce

If you want to say it,
you've got to speak the language

The study interacts with different architects/practices in 2020
How does viral architecture feel?

architecture as entertainment content
This case study experiment will be framed within the viral architecture project, where multiple architecture “characters” that are operating in Dublin in 2020, and open and happy to take part are being examined by their approach, feelings and philosophies around the topic and pursuit of sharing their work digitally as “content”.
The terms “digital immigrant” and “digital native” are part of a concept that all digital users can be categorised by whether they grew up in a world where digital technology already existed or they were born before digital technology was popular and accessible to them. This date is approximately taken as 1980-85, the immigrant before, the native after then. The immigrant has had to learn and adapt; the native has a more naturally developed approach.*
The viral architect creates architecture as content for consumption. Sometimes this is independent of traditional architectural practices and sometimes it an extension of them.
This concept of the digital native and digital immigrant helps to categorise viral architects. This study takes a deliberately diverse selection of viral architects and potential viral architects and casts them in roles as anonymous characters operating within and through digital media in 2020.
The alternative architect
NOTE- It is worth mentioning that although simplified none of the characters are definitely anyone one typology but a combination of many as this study will explore.

The analogue architect is a digital immigrant, apprehensive of fast-paced digital trends. However, they are well aware of using digital mediums to work. They are happy to operate outside of but are also curious about entering the world of viral architecture. The analogue architect is concerned with what is gained and what is lost in the realm of viral architecture. They are quite proud of not being on Instagram, but also feel they might be losing out on business, they struggle with the thought of Instagram. The analogue architect is going to give it a go, all their friends are on there, they will be a viral architect soon enough.
The analogue architect is respected by their peers and operates a small Dublin practice.
check back weekly for updates
The analogue architect
The Content Architect is a digital native and currently does not practice architecture through the pursuit of achieving buildings and spaces; instead, they derive a sense of fulfilment from interacting in a virtual network of content sharing and consuming. This content architect thinks about how to make architecture as tasty and consumable as possible; they consider the sensibilities of fleeting fashion and trends in the content they share. Success is quantifiable by the measures that their platform provides; in this case, it is Instagram where likes, followers and attention are everything. They are contented with content.
The Critical Memer

The alternative architect is a digital native, like the viral architect they operate through the same media and medium of Instagram. Unlike the viral architect, they are cynical about the Instagram landscape of capitalist shallowness. They are using the medium as an alternative to traditional office practice. The alternative architect is self-aware of the tropes of the platform and aims to produce architecture as content that intentionally goes against the traditional successful algorithm content. The alternative architect is well-intentioned and wants to create meaningful, provocative content. Fame is not the objective, but it might be a welcome byproduct.
The content architect

The brand architect
The brand architect is a collection of people, both digital natives and digital immigrants. They are concerned with their perceived image of the practice and want to represent themselves as desirable, thoughtful and capable to the world. They are professionals. They are not too concerned with engaging in the network cultures of viral architecture. The intention of gaining a following is tangible as a success. The brand architect requires a lot of approval before sharing work, and they do not want to upset anyone, that’s not good for business.

The Young professional
The young professional may be considered an irritating character by some, like the alternative architect. They are a digital native who has undergone a profound re-brand between the time after third year and within a year of graduating. The young professional has all of their Pinterest boards on private.
The young professional is a slave to viral architecture trends.
The young professional is a fabricated millennial persona. If you have the time scroll back far enough and you will be sure to see the exact moment they changed from drinking cans at Electric Picnic to white-bordered pastel pine trees forest walks and big suns.
It's only a phase?

The Influencer
Oh yes, we all want to be the influencer. Yum yum yum, tasty tasty! The influencer can be either a digital immigrant or a digital native, but usually, they are a digital native. They know whats going on. They know the score, they embrace the tropes, you have their drawings pinned, they are inescapable. The influencer is a powerful character, they are respected by younger architects and students but some are considered problematic by older generations.
They produce viral architecture mainly as drawings, their built work is indistinguishable from their drawings. Is it real, is it a render? It doesn’t matter. They have large followings and tremendous influence as their name suggests.
The bootlegger

The bootlegger presents their work on Instagram cleverly as viral architecture, and they have quite a following. They are a commercial practice.
The bootlegger is ofter an established practice with a social media presence that is run by one of our other characters.
Bootleggers not definitively digital natives or immigrants, The analogue architect and the alternative architect can see right through the bootlegger but they are not always easy to see.
The Renagade
The old renegade is a wildcard, but they provide excellent entertainment. They are digital immigrants who see true the “bullshit”. The old renegade does not conform to the ubiquitous niceness of their peers. They are liable to post absolutely anything, a truly unpredictable character, they also take architecture extremely seriously. One minute they are letting us know that Lidl dog food is sub-par, the next they have publicly commented an essay on the RIAI’s latest post eloquently highlighting the deep flaws within the organisation. Observe the renegade with caution from a distance. Renegades are refreshing characters

The famous architect
They are famous digital immigrants, but they were famous long ago, somebody runs their social media page, they have many followers but. They don't really produce viral architecture but are worth mentioning all the same. This category is only worth mentioning as fame is such an important factor for many of the typologies, I can't think of any viral architect who is as famous as a "famous architect".

1.The Analogue Architect
2. The Content Architect
3.The Alternative Architect
4.The Brand Architect
5.The Young Professional
6.The Influencer
7. The Bootlegger
8.The Renegade
9.The Famous architect
10 The Critical Memer
11. The Consumer
If you are a viral architect, please get in touch!
The critical memer is an exceptionally “woke” digital native; if you follow them, you can be too. The alternative architect follows many critical memers,. The critical memer wishes there was more of an architecture scene on Reddit, but Instagram will have to do. They use existing meme aesthetics to critically analyse architecture discourse, usually with a focus on immediately relevant topics. They post with ferocious determination, multiple times a day. They know how to get attention, they cause sensational trouble and pick fights with the big dogs. Don’t take the bait, DO NOT ENGAGE THE CRITICAL MEMER, you cant win. They tend to burn out in a matter of months; often they will go too far with a joke and lose their clout and following. A critical memer is a full-time job, many people try and many fail to become one, respect the critical memer, it's not easy. This is what viral architecture critique looks like; it is as fast-paced as the world it analyses.
The characters here represent real people and practices, with different sensibilities values and feelings about operating in a world where representation, content and digital presence are a concern. We examine different viral architects at different points in their viral architecture journeys. The characters are formed from on interactions, conversations and observations.
The case study looks at how architects sensibilities and behaviours about a medium are influencing their work. This is a fieldwork study that tests hypothosis

The Consumer
The quiet consumer loves to scroll; in fact, this worries them a little bit. They are uncertain about what to post next, this has been the case for some time now.
They are very active on Instagram from a content consumption point of view and post the occasional story, but from a general content production viewpoint, they are lost.
The consumer is grieving the loss of their own intentions. Their feed is considered, but it's old.
They might be thinking about archiving all of their past posts and starting again or perhaps they will leave Instagram altogether because it's not cool anymore.
The consumer is just feeling a little bit conflicted and confused; that's all.